All-State Festival Solo & Ensemble



Directors wishing to have their grades 10-12 students considered for All-State Festival must indicate their interest by signing the Invoice/Signature Form on the State Solo & Ensemble registration form. 

To be considered for All-State Festival, a soloist must:

  • Receive a Division I - Excellent Final Determination at State Solo & Ensemble Festival
  • Agree to perform at the Solo and Ensemble Recital and/or the Gala Concert
  • In addition to their performance score, the All-State Finalist must receive a 24 or higher in sight reading at the intermediate or advanced level. If the event does not receive a score of 24 or higher, they do not qualify and the alternate becomes the finalist.


The number of entries registered at each site will determine its total solo finalists.  

Selected performance judges choose All-State Festival finalists and alternates from each Festival.

The top two soloists selected from the rotation schedule will perform at the Thursday Gala Concert. In 2025, this is the South site.


Based on the annual rotation, in 2025 the top two soloists selected from the South site must agree to perform at the Thursday Gala Concert and the Friday Vocal Solo and Ensemble Recital.

All chosen soloists will appear at the Friday recitals at the 9 AM or 1PM recitals.

Festival Instructions

Soloists and their directors will receive instructions regarding:

  • Vocal Solo & Ensemble Recitals
  • Housing information, forms, costs including registration fees and schedules 
  • A letter of congratulations will be mailed to each solo finalist, their director, principal and superintendent.  A plaque will be presented to soloists. 

Small Ensemble


Directors of Small Ensembles interested in All-State Festival consideration must sign the Invoice/Signature on the State Solo & Ensemble registration form. The All-State Festival adjudicator at a State Solo & Ensemble Festival will determine if a small ensemble meets the standards required for performance at the Solo & Ensemble Recital.

To be considered for All-State Festival, a Small Ensemble must:

  • Receive a Division I - Excellent Final Determination at State Solo & Ensemble Festival
  • Agree to perform at a All-State Festival  Solo & Ensemble Recital


Small ensembles may have someone direct the group, and they must sing the same two pieces from State Solo & Ensemble Festival. Ensembles may add a third piece at their discretion.


Festival Instructions

Small Ensembles chosen for All-State Festival participation and their directors will receive instructions regarding:

  • Vocal Solo & Ensemble Recitals
  • Housing, forms, costs including registration fees and schedules 
  • A letter of congratulations will be mailed to each Small Ensemble finalist director, their principal and superintendent. Plaques will be presented to participating ensembles and each student will receive a certificate.                                                   

Large Ensembles 


Directors of Large Ensembles interested in All-State Festival consideration must check the All-State Festival box and sign the State Solo & Ensemble registration form. 

The All-State Festival adjudicator at a State Solo & Ensemble Festival may choose up to five Large Ensembles that meet the standards required for performance at the Solo & Ensemble Recital for consideration. The recordings of their performances will be forwarded to the Executive Director for consideration by a listening panel who will choose up to fourteen ensembles for All-State Festival performance. 


Agree to perform at the Friday Solo and Ensemble Recital

Based on the annual rotation, in 2025 the Large Ensemble selected from the South site must agree to perform at the Thursday Gala Concert.

Festival Instructions

Large Ensembles and their directors will receive instructions regarding:

  • Vocal Solo & Ensemble Recitals
  • Housing, forms, costs including registration fees and schedule
  • A letter of congratulations will be mailed to each Large Ensemble finalist director, their principal and superintendent. Plaques will be presented to participating ensembles and each student will receive a certificate. 

Director of All-State Festival

Amy Schroeder

Les Rowsey

All-State Festival Supervisor


Registration for All-State Festival Soloists,

Ensembles and Outstanding Choirs

Registration Deadline: May 2

Performance Information

Soloists & Ensembles

May 10
9 AM & 1 PM   

Vocal Solo & Ensemble Recitals 

Michigan State University
Fairchild Theatre 

542 Auditorium Rd

East Lansing, MI 48824

Gala Concert Soloist Rotation Schedule

2025 South

2026 U.P.

2027 West

2028 Central

2029 East


Michigan School Vocal Music Association

P.O. Box 1131

Big Rapids, MI 49307-1131

(231) 592 - 9344


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