Welcome to District 11
District Manager:  Dustin Morris

Festival Information
Junior High/Middle School/High School Solo and Ensemble Festival 

  • Saturday, February 10, 2024
  • 8 AM - 5 PM
  • Lakeview High School, Battle Creek
  • Online registration/payment postmark deadline: January 12, 2024
  • Fees: $20 Solo                $30 Small Ensemble (2-6)                $50 Large Ensemble (7-20)
  • Host:  Greg Black

Junior High/Middle School/High School Choral Festival

  • Thursday and Friday, February 15 & 16, 2024
  • 8 AM - 5 PM
  • Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo MI
  • Online registration/payment postmark deadline: January 12, 2024
  • $140 per choir
  • Host: Chris Ludwa

District Solo & Ensemble Festival and Choral Festival medals will be available for purchase for $5 at the Festivals for students who receive final determinations of Excellent (I) or Good (II).

    Festival Registration

    Pay online, or checks payable to MSVMA and invoices mailed to: 

    Dustin Morris

    Vicksburg High School

    501 East Highway StreetVicksburg, MI 49094

    Dustin Morris

    District Manager 


    If you have questions about D11 events, contact one of your district managers. For other activities state festivals, specialized festivals, or honors choir please contact the corresponding coordinator.

    Fall Meeting:

    Check your email for a survey about dates.

    Spring Meeting:



    Michigan School Vocal Music Association

    P.O. Box 1131

    Big Rapids, MI 49307-1131

    (231) 592 - 9344


    © copyright 2019 MSVMA, All rights reserved.